Program rada Znanstvenog kolokvija - Sveučilište Hercegovina

Program rada Znanstvenog kolokvija - Sveučilište Hercegovina

Program rada Znanstvenog kolokvija - Sveučilište Hercegovina

Program rada Znanstvenog kolokvija
Odgojne kompetencije kroz cjeloživotno obrazovanje
Sveučilište Hercegovina
Fakultet društvenih znanosti dr. Milenka Brkića
Bijakovići, Kraljice mira 3A, 88266 Međugorje, BiH


Program rada Znanstvenog kolokvija - Sveučilište Hercegovina pdf


Sandra Jovanović Miljko, Mr. sc.
Herzegovina University, Faculty of social sciences dr. Milenka Brkića, Bijakovići


Abstract: The influence of parenthood style on the development of thes anxiety's symptomsy in early adulthood is in the focus of this research.

The main aim of the research was to explore, whether and in which way, inadequate parenthood style scontribute to the emergence of disturbances in behavior, which by the contents corresponding with the symptoms of anxiety. The variables which are explored in that research were: sex, age, educational status, family relationships, anxiety, caregiving, control, rejeaction by the father andmother, and personality traits according the fivefactror's theory, In a study we used two scale of parenthood style (one for mother, and another for father), socio-demohraphic data questioner, and BAI, STAI and BFQ qustioners.

Researching of specific parentalbehaviour and educational procedures established are the two fundamental dimensions of parenting – emotionality and control. The sample consist of 254 students from two universities from B and H. The results have shown that the perception of rejection by the mother in childhood, and today, and a perception of increased control by the father, contributing to the emergence of anxiety. The studentswho had anxiety as traits, achieved lower results on the every researched scale of BFQ. When anxiety comes as a State, we have found that traits such as Emotional stability and Energy negatively associated with the anxiety in this form, and we noted a statistically significant difference according to gender.

Keywords: parentalhoodstyle, anxiety, rejection, emotional warmth, control.


Psychologische Online-Beratung
Sandra Jovanović Miljko



Tel./WhatsApp: +49 178 110 3745

Psychologische Beratung Sandra Jovanovic Miljko  Tätigkeit: Prax.v.psych.Psychotherapie  Master der Psychologische Wissenschaften Sandra Jovanovic Miljko Spezialist für Traumatische Psychologie

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